Beyond the Spectrum |
Beyond the Spectrum's mission is to provide community resources and a support system for the whole family of a child with emotional, behavioral, or medical challenges.
Often the approach to therapy for children with disabilities doesn’t provide any support for the family as a whole. Beyond the Spectrum aims to help connect families with therapies, providers, and classes for the disabled child as well as for the parents and siblings. These classes are at no cost to the client.
The Bachelor's also found that there is a void for older children and teenagers with disabilities who need social groups to build friendships and learn life skills. Beyond the Spectrum hopes to provide that place to meet other people who understand what their families experience.
Psalm 139:13-14 says the Lord formed our inward parts and knitted us together in our mother’s womb. Children facing sensory and other challenges are fearfully and wonderfully made. The knowledge that the Gospel holds the power to bring hope and light to children motivates the staff and volunteers of Beyond the Spectrum every day. We believe providing assistance to these children and their families shows the tangible love of Christ. Caring, understanding and energetic staff and volunteers demonstrate God’s love every day as they help children grow beyond the expectations of doctors and therapists. Beyond the Spectrum was founded and operates on the teaching of Christ: “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.” (Mt 18:4-5) During Jesus' ministry, He addressed the realities of His day head-on. He stood up for the rights of children (Luke 18:16), opened His arms to receive the children (Mark 10:13-16), and protected children from harm (Mt 18:10, 14). The Bachelor's believe that each child is created in God’s image. Their faith inspires them each day to help children who face challenges like Olivia’s and they are grateful to be called to be the hands and feet of Christ through the programs of Beyond the Spectrum. |